"The world is a dangerous place, not because of
those who do evil, but because of those who look on

and do nothing".

- Albert Einstein

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Willy's Wee-wee

A week or so ago I finally managed to collect some of Willy's urine ... I have been a bit suspect of it since he came, as he often walks in a hunched way. I initially attributed it to his age & arthritis (he's 9), and he's been on Glucosamine/Chondroitin since he came to me (Sept). I have tried to collect urine before, but he gets all shy whem I'm too close.

In any event, I finally got a small sample to take to the vet.


Specific Gravity 1.010
pH 8
No blood
Occasional transitional squamous epithelial cells 1+
Struvite Crystals 2+
Bacteria 2+ cocci

My vets don't do a lot of pigs, so I consulted with a pbp vet in the US, who recommended ammonium chloride to acidify the urine and reduce the crystals. I passed this on to my vet, who agreed with the approach, but had no access to ammonium chloride.

So, I checked with my feed mill, another feed mill, local pharmacies (one could order it in), and even online. In the US, there is a product called Uro-eze for dogs & cats ... but I can't order without a US vet's prescription. So, today I went back to the local pharmacy who said he could order it - hopefully that will work out.

In the meantime, I have doubled Willy's cranberry capsules, and added Vitamin C (1 g/d). He has a pretty good urine stream ... but I want to get this resolved!

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