"The world is a dangerous place, not because of
those who do evil, but because of those who look on

and do nothing".

- Albert Einstein

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Still Seeking Mirabelle (PA)

Beloved pig, Mirabelle, is still missing from Ross Mill Farm in Rushland PA. She is shown as a piglet, above. This is a plea from RMF owner, Susan:

It was January 18 when we discovered that Mirabelle was not on the property. There is still no clues to how she disappeared from her home.

I believe she will come home. If you would like to help here are a few ways you can get the word out.

...We have a PDF file of the poster on our website:
http://www.rossmillfarm.com/lost.htm Please print some out and distribute them in your neighborhood, pet stores and feed mills, vet offices, rescue organizations, schools, the grocery store, wherever you go, please post. It doesn't matter if you live in my neighborhood, you never know who might see the poster that leads to Mira's return.

If you know of a free listing on any website, please list Mirabelle on the site. It has been brought to my attention that it is important to have the $500 Reward in the title of the listing. She has been posted on several including Craig's List and Lookseek.

Cross post this email to your friends.

Mirabelle was one of several pigs at Ross Mill Farm that was featured on a music video by Stephen DiJoseph. Enjoy the video and watch for Mira at frame 1:38-1:53 & again at 2:07-2:08. She is the cute little black and white pinto pig...

A great big Thank you to everyone that has been so generous with your prayers, your time and your contributions towards the reward to find Mirabelle and bring her home. Keep your thoughts positive and try to picture her coming home.

Thank you,

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