"The world is a dangerous place, not because of
those who do evil, but because of those who look on

and do nothing".

- Albert Einstein

Monday, February 11, 2008

Tribute to Harold Valentine

Our hearts go out to Pris & Steve Valentine, of Valentine's Performing Pigs, on their recent loss of Harold ... a very special member of their troupe and (more importantly) their family.
Harold was a special pig ... He was extremely outgoing and secure, having been a part of the Valentine's show and had his photo taken being held by hundreds of strangers! Pris described his personality as "Bulletproof"!
Harold was humanely euthanized after the diagnosis of an extremely rare cancer, hemocarcoma. This type of cancer started with "proud flesh" deep in the animal's sinuses (ethmoids) above the forehead. The tumour insidiously absorbs the pig's blood like a sponge, making the pig weak and anemic, and eventually making the platelet count extremely low. There is no known cause and it is not genetic.
In Harold's case, this vascular tumor invaded his brain, causing strange neurological symptoms that stumped vets: loss of balance, loss of pupil function, twitching, flinching, change in personality.
In addition, Harold's cancer had metastasized to his lungs. The prognosis was dire, and the life expectancy was cited as anywhere from two hours to two days.
We wish Pris & Steve and their piggy family all the best as they mourn the loss of Harold.

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