"The world is a dangerous place, not because of
those who do evil, but because of those who look on

and do nothing".

- Albert Einstein

Monday, May 14, 2007

Piggy Word - FOSSICK

Word of the Day: Fossick (Verb)

Pronunciation: ['fa-sik]

Definition: (1) To search for gold in a disorganized manner, especially in abandoned mines. (2) To fossick about: to rummage around for something, to nose about.

Suggested Usage: Well, one can fossick about in a drawer for a sharpened pencil or fossick about the shells on the beach for sharks' teeth. Even dogs may fossick about the yard for yesterday's bone. Closets are a good place to fossick about for just about anything (if yours are like mine).

Etymology: The origins of this word are passing mysterious. It apparently comes from a British dialect, probably Cornish.
—Dr. Language, yourDictionary.com

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