"The world is a dangerous place, not because of
those who do evil, but because of those who look on

and do nothing".

- Albert Einstein

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Daisy has New Feet!

FINALLY got the manpower together to hoist Daisy up in the hammock on Canada Day. Took 4+ of us: my husband and step-son did the heavy lifting, a tall friend of the latter hooked the rings onto a chain suspended from the litter-carrier track in the barn, my sister wiped and covered the face and gave the shots (vaccinations - 2), and my husband and I whittled away at the feet.

We ended up hoisting her crosswise on the hammock, and putting both rings on a single hook overhead - seemed to work best for what we had. Overall it went very smoothly. Daisy wasn't pleased, and let us know it (not full-out screams - but ever-diminishing complaints) - all in all she was up probably less than 10 minutes. It all happened too fast to get pics - sorry!

Her feet are much better, tho still not perfect - will have to re-trim in a few months, I suspect ... Actually - may re-check sooner, as she will need a booster on her shots in 4 wk.

Also gave the Terrible Two their first shots. And am about to book them in for their neuter in 2-3 wk. Much needed ;-)

Daisy is allowing Toad to sleep with her - pretty cute, hunh? I even caught her standing back and letting him eat out of her bowl this am (before I could catch him and put him back in with his brother for their (bigger) breakfast. Am considering rigging a creep area for them and just letting them all co-habitate.

This picture was taken later that day - I think they were all sleeping off the excitement and their vaccines.

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