"The world is a dangerous place, not because of
those who do evil, but because of those who look on

and do nothing".

- Albert Einstein

Monday, July 16, 2007

Kind Words on Daisy's Blog ...

Some feedback on the Blog (Thanks, Pris!)

Allison, I love your , entertaining, educating, enriching and inspirational site... Certainly one that a person should visit often, again and again.

And the weight "thermometer" guage for Daisy is great!

The fattest pig I ever saw was in our own state. At first, I had no idea what kind of animal it was because you could not see the snout, eyes, or ears. It was a mass of wrinkles with a straight tail. No seeable anus or vulva (like Daisy) but a pig where you could not recognize a snout or mouth? The ears were almost pushed closed, and were totally forward with a ridge of fat burying them. It was all encased in rolls of black fat rolls.

It was a young pig, but died shortly later of what they suspect was a heart attack. A pet shop had tried to rescue her (I could not tell WHAT sex it was). I would say "she" was only 6-9 mos! All it could do was lie , with a pathetic squeak....nothing more. We were told it was free fed with farm hogs!

I wish (I guess) I had taken a picture. Probably an older pig would have died before its features were totally enveloped like that. But it is great to hear about Daisy, and see her progress..

Bless you,


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