"The world is a dangerous place, not because of
those who do evil, but because of those who look on

and do nothing".

- Albert Einstein

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Mangalitza Pigs

Rare Breed Mangalitza Pigs

Is it a sheep or is it a pig ... no it's a Mangalitza - the curly coated pig!


Up until 1972 the UK had a curly coated pig called the Lincolnshire Curly Coat. This pig was famed for its hardiness due to its wooly and well insulated coat. In the 1920s many were exported to Hungary where they won many of the top awards and acquired the coveted gold medal in 1925. The Hungarians used the Lincolnshire Curly Coat to cross with their Mangalitza (which was a very similar curly coated pig) to produce a cross pig nicknamed the Lincolista. Due to its outstanding flavour the Mangalitza was much sought after for the production of Parma ham.

Pig breeders in the UK are indebted to Mr. Tony York of Pig Paradise and his team of helpers for the many hours of work they put in, firstly trying to locate breeders of Mangalitza pigs in Hungary and Austria, then managing to purchase 14 gilts and 3 boars of the 3 different colours and types i.e. the Blonde - Swallow Belly and the Red. After a few sleepless nights and much form filling they finally managed to transport them back to Britain.

The British Pig Association (BPA) will be operating a new Mangalitza herd book.

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