"The world is a dangerous place, not because of
those who do evil, but because of those who look on

and do nothing".

- Albert Einstein

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Nicky is a Floosie!

As I suspected was coming a few days ago, Nicky has come into heat. She was showing a little extra interest in her neighbour, Willy. However, as a barrow, he was of limited interest to her.

Last night, I went into the barn, and noticed a door from the front of the barn to the rear loft open. Not remembering leaving it open, I went to close it (to keep the heat in), and spotted a large black shape in the hay - Nicky! She had completely bent the cattle-panel gate on her pen and wandered into the rest of the barn (presumably to visit Loki - our newest arrival, and a boar!), and ended up in the back of the barn in a pile of hay.

Thankfully, I saw no signs that Nicky and Loki had consummated anything (phew!). I herded her back into her pen, bent the gate straight, fed everyone, gave her extra hay (to keep her busy) and crossed my fingers.

This morning, sure enough, Nicky had re-escaped, and was snoring in the former cattle manger adjacent to Loki's pen. Again, he seemed oblivious to her, and there were no signs that they had interacted through the pen wall (also cattle panel) at all. Again, I convinced Nicky to return home for breakfast. I braced the gate to her pen (probably futile) and gave her MORE hay to play with.

I hope this passes quickly ... She is still too fat to spay ... tho she has lost about 15 lbs since early December when she arrived.

Loki will be vaccinated this week, and I will schedule his neuter asap after that ... so when she cycles again, maybe he will be less attractive.

We'll see!

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