"The world is a dangerous place, not because of
those who do evil, but because of those who look on

and do nothing".

- Albert Einstein

Monday, February 4, 2008

Piglet Soccer

From Eileen - President of the Pig Placement Network - who is currently fostering three rescued piglets:

We used little baby juice bottles, drilled holes in them and put pellets in them......the pigs play soccer with them......They have realized that if they make a goal in their water dish, foster mommy has to take the bottle out, and she dumps the wet pellets out for them to eat.....so much easier than waiting for the lottery of a pellet or two to fall from the bottle.

I have to tell you, the most amazing thing is that they know if they get it into their water dish, it fills with water, and then I dump out the moistened pellets for them to eat. It is like they are playing soccer and that water dish is the goal. They have figured that out so quickly. The first time obviously was just a happenstance, but they now work hard to get it directly to the dish.....no matter where I place their water dish.

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