"The world is a dangerous place, not because of
those who do evil, but because of those who look on

and do nothing".

- Albert Einstein

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Daisy's First Day - May 7, 2007

Daisy ate her meagre portion of food with gusto; ate the carrots I added, but rejected the snowpeas. I am not sure she is drinking and I am concerned about that ... I know she is under stress, and am worried about the effect of that on her metabolism - esp if compounded by dehydration.

I left her to her own devices through the day. She seems detached and withdrawn. At lunch I tried to entice her to forage by scattering some carrots in the bedding - but she seems disinclined.

In the evening, I sat with her and hand-fed carrots and romaine (both of which she seems to like). She really appears not to see well/at all. She seemed startled by the food, so I would try signalling verbally to her that I was holding it out, then gently touch a whisker with it. She would bark & snark, but caught on that it was food.

While she munched, I trimmed a bit off her LF & LH claws, and her LF outside dew claw. The front claws are about 2-3 inches too long; less behind. The RF is the most overgrown claw - it has circled around and is heading inwards. Will have to pick away at these, as I don't want to restrain her for a full trim and stress her further.

Still no real sign of drinking.

Fred called to check on her, and I learned that he had been feeding her meals wet - so will try that to get fluids into her.


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