"The world is a dangerous place, not because of
those who do evil, but because of those who look on

and do nothing".

- Albert Einstein

Thursday, May 10, 2007

May 8, 2007

I believe Daisy to be fat-blind (mostly) - I think she sees shadows in bright enough light. However, she doesn't react to held-out food until it touches a whisker or her cheek ... and then she barks & fusses, but takes the food. I am learning that her snarking is prob due to the fact that she can't see us coming towards her, and she feels vulnerable. So I am chatting her up a lot, and trying to train key phrases to indicate where I am about to approach/touch her ...

She seems not keen on our water (sulphur-y) - so am offering her bottled, and lots of veg - but am worried about dehydration. Have tried syringing into her mouth, and got a few ccs in, but she doesn't appreciate the process. Would welcome any suggestions. Her prev owner apparently fed her water on her food (Mazuri Elder) with veg ... so I tried that this am and she sneered.

Hand-fed her about 4 c of carrots & romaine last night (plus she ate her 1/2 c food), 2 c carrots & apple this am ... managed to trim two of her feet while she ate - got about 3/4 inch each off one front claw (1.5 inch or so to go!) and the outside dew claw, and 1/2 inch off the hind claws on the same side. Tonight I'll go for the other side.

The blindness concerns me, as it limits her engagement with the outside world - reducing her motivation to explore (& MOVE!). Hopefully as she learns her environment, she will gain confidence.

I am also concerned that she may have foot/leg pain - as she stands only for short periods, and dances from foot to foot a bit.

On the up-side, she seems to be enjoying the straw ... provides a lot more padding than the blanket she was used to ... and she seems to be gaining confidence in arranging it with her snout before lying down. Hopefully she will soon discover that the hay is edible!

Tonight I will also try to start grooming her with a soft brush. Her skin is taught and flaky (SOOOOO fat!) ... Hopefully she will eventually find it pleasurable, and we can use it to build trust.

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