"The world is a dangerous place, not because of
those who do evil, but because of those who look on

and do nothing".

- Albert Einstein

Thursday, May 10, 2007

May 9, 2007

Yesterday I got a tip that very overweight pigs can also be fat-deaf, and this has really helped solidify my understanding of Daisy's situation - she def does NOT hear well, either. Sleeps like a ROCK!

My babysitter saw her drink a bit of the water & applejuice yesterday (YAY!) .... and I discovered that she likes cucumbers and pineapple (I gave her chunks of the fibrous core) and grapes. I am training "Daisy, HERE" to indicate I'm putting food in front of her snout.

She is def a bit skittery ... even when exploring her pen, if she encounters something new, her first rx is to bark & move away. Touch is not yet pleasurable for her - hopefully in the future.

Last night it warmed my heart to see her start to root in her bedding, arranging a little nest before settling down for the night. The piggishness is starting to show itself!

This am she actually GOT UP and came towards the pen door when we entered the barn and started talking (loudly) to her while I fed the goats first. I think she's catching on to the routine ...

The feet are def a big problem ... will whittle away over the next few days/weeks on them.

Daisy shows what I would call stringhalt (if she were a horse) - with each step of her LH leg, she picks it up in an exaggerated, kind of spastic fashion. The prev owner claims she has done it since she was wee .... not really a problem - tho she has chafed the outside of her pendulous udder/fat with her claw ... Will do some research on this ... Comments welcome.

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