"The world is a dangerous place, not because of
those who do evil, but because of those who look on

and do nothing".

- Albert Einstein

Monday, June 23, 2008

Loki - Follow-up

All -

Thank you so much for listening to my sad story about Loki's drowning ...and for your kind words and encouragement ... I am still feeling very sad and guilty about it all, but am taking the good advice offered by several on-line friends, and channelling this negative energy into learning and growing - so I have been composing a mental list of potential "safety violations" (as my 5-year old calls them!) around the farm and addressing them.

Most are little things I've put off for a while - and prob inconsequential - but my mind will rest easier when they're fixed. I have a bunch of lumber arriving tomorrow to reinforce the bottom of the wire fence separating Pinky & the Boys' pen from the goat field, and am looking for a better gate solution for the gate that Loki squeezed under (in the meantime, no pigs are in the front yard unattended) ... I am thinking that a "stop" board that the gate closes to is the only real solution - tho it makes it hard to get machinery into the pen (not that I do that much!). Maybe I can make it removable ...

The Water tub in question has been replaced with a pail for now ... will find a bigger (but safer) solution shortly.

I really appreciate the heart-felt condolences and support that I have received - you are all a wonderful bunch of people, and I am so glad to have found you ...

Hugs to all ... and to your piggers!

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