"The world is a dangerous place, not because of
those who do evil, but because of those who look on

and do nothing".

- Albert Einstein

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A tragic accident - and a sad lesson

I am still in shock - torturing myself with a bunch of "what ifs" and "if onlies" ...

The upshot is that Loki is dead, having drowned in the goats' water tub.

Around 5 pm I had put Loki out into the grassy yard in front of the barn (I alternate him and Willie in this space) for the early eve.

Tonight, I went to the barn around 10 pm to do my night feeding & tuck-ins (yeah, it's a bit late, but I'm not a morning person - so they get fed btw 9-10 am). As I stepped over the fence into the yard (in the dark) I called to Loki, expecting his usual deep grunt in return, as he follows me back to the barn for his supper.

No grunt.

I searched the yard and finding nothing, realized that he must have squirmed his way under the gate into the adjoining goat yard. No big deal - only 6 goats and a llama. I went to the gate and called him - nothing. Figuring he had gone into the barn to their bedded area, I went through the barn to the loft to check their indoor pen - still nothing. Getting a little panicy, I suddenly noticed a dark shape next to the goats' water tub - they drink from a muck-tub sized trough, partially "buried" in the bedding.

The dark shape was Loki. He must have tried to get a drink (or been chased by a goat?), and being so front-heavy, toppled in and was unable to get his head and shoulders out. So he was dead, head first in the tub, his butt sticking out. Tragically, he was still warm ... if only I had gone out half an hour earlier ....

So, here I am, berating myself for not noticing the gap under the gate was a bit bigger than it had been ... for not going to the barn earlier, for anything and everything I can think of ...

But mostly so sad for Loki ... he was a very cool pig - one that I was looking fwd to working with, to winning his trust ... I feel I betrayed him, somehow ...

The lesson: if your pigs share accomodation with other species, or if your tubs are on the deep side, or have become partially sunken with rising bedding - PLEASE replace them with shallow ones ..

And please wish some peace and freedom for Loki's little spirit - wherever it may be.

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