"The world is a dangerous place, not because of
those who do evil, but because of those who look on

and do nothing".

- Albert Einstein

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Berkshire (?) Pigs @ Upper Canada Village

Yesterday I went with my daughter (5 yr) and another family with their two kids, and another little girl, to Upper Canada Village in Morrisburg ON. It is one our favourite places to go - it's a living history museum, displaying life in c. 1867, with a range of homes (modest to opulent), businesses, and farms. They have a number of period- and location-appropriate animals, including Canadien horses, poultry, cattle (Ayrshires, Linebacks, and Shorthorns), and pigs (Berkshires, I am pretty sure).

They breed 1-2 litters per year, and while the piglets are not too big, they run free around the farm (they don't stray too far bec the sow is confined), which is a hoot for the kids.

When we visited yesterday, the piglets were already weaned and confined in a big pen ... they are getting big and probably more likely to be pushy (they get pretty bold!).

As far as adults, there are 3 sows and one boar. I took a bunch of pictures:

Outside shade shelter:

Indoor-housed sow (presumably the weaned mother of the piglets?):

The outside adults were quite sociable, approaching for pats, some grass, and "just in case":

She was my fave:

This is the boar, lying flat out beside the fence - the angle is funny:

The "corn wars" - the kids threw in a couple of ears of corn, which triggered some sibling rivalry & taunting:

To the victor ...

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