"The world is a dangerous place, not because of
those who do evil, but because of those who look on

and do nothing".

- Albert Einstein

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Charlotte & Noodle

Charlotte & Noodle are semi-permanent boarders - their owner is going through some complicated life changes that mean she can't keep them right now. They are funny girls. Noodle is Very Assertive ... and can be LOUD! Charlotte is much more reserved. They are small pigs - prob 50 lbs each. We are working on getting their feet back in shape since they arrived here last summer - esp Charlotte, whose feet were quite long. Every few weeks, I tackle them, flip them onto their backs on my lap, and whittle away. They are improving greatly.

They now live with Willie, tho I have to separate them at feeding time, as they are fast eaters on limited diets, whereas he is a slow eater who gets more food with lots of warm water to encourage him to drink (see prev post re: his urinary issues). They don't always appreciate having to dine al fresco (esp now that it is colder), but I scatter a little chicken feed in the yard to occupy them while they wait for Willie to finish mis meals.

Noodle is the short, round one, and Charlotte has the loooonnng snout.

It is cute to see them all buried together in the straw for the night, tho! Will try to get a pic of that sometime.



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