"The world is a dangerous place, not because of
those who do evil, but because of those who look on

and do nothing".

- Albert Einstein

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Willie Pictures

Catching up on posting some pics of my piggers. Willie is my old fellow - about 10-11 yrs old; I've had him about 1.5 yrs. He is a sweetie. We struggle with recurring urinary issues, but seem to be getting a handle on how to handle them - hit him with antibiotics at the first sign of urinary anomalies (hunching to pee, dribbling, straining, prolonged protrusion of the penis).

He is mid-treatment again right now (last time - much more acute was in July), and seems to be rallying well. I suspect the change in weather (colder!) has caused him to drink less, which may have triggered this bout.

Here are some pics of the old fellow - on a much warmer day than today (winter has arrived - at least in temperature - here in Eastern ON).

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