"The world is a dangerous place, not because of
those who do evil, but because of those who look on

and do nothing".

- Albert Einstein

Monday, May 14, 2007

May 14, 2007 - Doing well!

Double-Grrrrr! I have written this post TWICE, and TWICE it has been lost to cyberspace. It's getting shorter each time, I'm afraid! I *really* need to get on high-speed!

Daisy is doing really well. As of this am, she is:

  • Grunting in greeting (instead of barking in alarm) when we enter the barn (calling her name loudly!);
  • Getting up right away when we approach - having learned that we dole out food!;
  • Allowing my daughter to put her food in her bowl without alarm;
  • Maneouvering in her pen with relative ease (tho she resembles a dirigible when she does it - see pic from above, above!);
  • Getting used to me paring away at her feet while she eats;
  • Getting particular about arranging her nest/bed before settling down for the night;
  • (Re-)learning how to root & breathe without choking;
  • Foraging to find the veggies & fruit that we scatter throughout her pen;
  • Leaving her bed/nest area to eliminate;
  • Walking quite well, despite her odd gait on the LH leg (I'd call it stringhalt if she were a horse) - apparently she's done it since she was a (presumably NOT morbidly obese) piglet;
  • Allowing me to touch her gently - tho she complains a lot. Will break out the soft brush tonight, I think!;
  • Discovering the sun that streams in the big door on her pen during the day - yesterday I swear she was basking!;

Remaining issues:

  • Feet - I've managed to trim a lot off the two left feet (approaching normal). The right front is the worst, and my goat hoof shears are not up to the task - will borrow my sister's horse hoof nippers to tackle that one!
  • Drinking - I never actually see her drink, and it's hard to assess whether the water level in the bowl is dropping significantly. However, she seems to pee a normal amount, and is getting some water in her veggies (plus she's still alive!) - so I assume she's getting enough!
  • Sight - she seems a lot more comfortable in her environment now (having learned it). Hoepfully when she loses enough weight she will be able to see better.



Kim Waterfield said...

Sounds like Daisy is coming along, Allison. Thank you for "going the distance" for this poor girl. She deserves another chance at life.
Will she eat her food with water in it? That's how I get water into Lilly, otherwise, I don't think she would drink very much at all.
I am glad you are able to "whittle" away at her hooves, they sure were LONG!! Watch out for the quick, though. When her hooves were let go that long, the quick will have grown out more. It will take a few trims to get it to "back up".
Thanks for posting her progress.
Snoutie kisses to Daisy and Pinky.

One Artist and Her Dog said...

Allison... thank you so much for what you are doing for Daisy... two things to rejoice about now... Daisy is in a good place and making progress and we can Watch!!!! and Charlotte has a home....
Thank you...Linda

Allison said...

Thanks for the comments, Ladies.
I was *so* glad to hear that Charlotte had a home, Linda - will they keep you posted on her progress?

Daisy wouldn't eat the wet food at all when I tried it! (Despite the prev owner feeding her that way!). The past two days I notice the level in her bowl going down a bit more, tho.

As for her feet, will def take that LONG claw in stages ....




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